The government’s green paper published today aims to re-balance the relationship between landlords and residents, tackle stigma and ensure social housing can act as a stable base and support social mobility.
Residents across the country were asked for their views on social housing; almost 1,000 tenants shared their views with ministers at 14 events across the country (including one in Bridgwater), with over 7,000 submitting their opinions, issues and concerns online. The consultation launched today, with this green paper, gives everyone the opportunity to submit views on proposals for the future of social housing and will run until 6 November 2018.
The green paper sets out 5 core themes:
- Tackling stigma and celebrating thriving communities
- Expanding supply and supporting home ownership
- Effective resolution of complaints
- Empowering residents and strengthening the regulator
- Ensuring homes are safe and decent
David Orr, Chief Executive of the National Housing Federation, has responded to the green paper:
“Today’s long awaited launch of the Social Housing Green Paper is welcomed by housing associations. For 40 years we have failed to build anything like enough social housing. It is time the country had a proper conversation about the role and importance of social housing in ending the housing crisis… Our members fully share the Government’s commitment to ensuring tenants get the quality services they need – and that they can hold their landlords to account if they don’t.”